
ISARIC CCP-UK activities in response to outbreak of unexplained hepatitis in children

The ISARIC CCP team is working closely with PHS and UK HSA to help bring the capabilities of the academic sector to help public health agencies to tackle this new disease in the following ways:

  1. Recruitment and consent through the ISARIC CCP (see below)
  2. The “Summary Analysis of Lab Tests” experiment (SALT)
  3. Recruiting cases and parents to the GenOMICC Study

CCP Recruiting to ISARIC CCP-UK for paediatric hepatitis

Inclusion criteria

Elevated liver transaminases in child <16 yrs, and not due to other diagnoses such as hepatitis viruses A-E, autoimmune hepatitis, or poisoning. Elevated transaminases defined as ALT >500 iU/L and/or AST >500 iU/L. These criteria may be refined as knowledge is gained.

These criteria are deliberately broader than the public health case definition.

With consent, enrol all cases as per Tier 0, AND where there is site capacity, sample for Tier 1 or Tier 2 according to the protocol schedule.

Case report form

Please enter data directly into RedCap or print and complete the CRF

Please visit this page for information about the ISARIC4C Incidence series study of elevated liver transaminases